The songs here were in a cassette called "Let us thank the Lord". The number at the end of the song titles show where they can be found in the book "Praise the Lord with songs".
Download the songs you like to listen to them later. If you wish to see the song book, click here : Song book.

Let us thank God 78 | God did this sign 12 | Mary gave birth to Jesus 13 | At the name of Jesus 16 | Jesus was there before the world 105 | You alone are the Lord 89 | When people were ignorant 112 | Heaven and earth will pass away 91 | We are His people 116 | Teach the child 80 | Let us be patient 121 | Everything that you do 102 | You who are very tired 119 | Eat this bread 28 | God's Word is alive 120 | Let us ask the Lord 6 | Do not fear 18 | I have learned to be content 9 | Let us be like children 101 | I heard the Lord's voice 99 | If you call upon my Name 46 | All belongs to the Lord 107 | All eyes are on the Lord 95 | The Lord will preserve us 86 | The good work that God started 67 | I will praise the Lord 117 | Go now 27