Church interpreters' training

Workshop  for using key words at Natibagou


Yendu kadaaɔg n lanbonjala tundl Naatibaaɔg doug n

Some photos of church interpreters' training.

Tunda tenu cagciɛɔnŋ n. / Séance de cours dans la salle. / Teaching time in class.

Teaching time in class.

Mɔmaam sɔgnu cagbid n. / Séance de pratique d'interprétation en petits groupes. / Practise interpretation in small groups.

Practise interpretation in small groups.

Yendu kadapaaɔnŋ liinu youg. / Lecture du Nouveau Testament Moba. / Moba New Testament reading time.

Moba New Testament reading time.

Masɔgnda gaan kadaaɔg nba ŋɔnŋ k b gaal tunda. / Remise des attestations de participation. / Attendance certificate for workshop participants..

Attendance certificate for workshop participants.


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